Talk to DP Forum

Karen Odell

Post #783 – 19981206

December 6, 1998

Good Morning Mr. Pinkwater & your Wife,

I’m sorry I forgot your wife’s name. We had meet at the dental office in Pine Plains, NY. My name is Karen, I was the director at the time. How are you doing?! I was looking around the web and there you are! All over…

How impressive all this is. I wonder is this a sign of modern fame; if so how wonderful! I hope all is well with you and your family during this holiday season.

How can I get you to autograph a book for my daughter; are you apprearing anywhere for a signing in the future?

Happy Holidays & Healthy New Year “1999”

Karen Odell

Daniel replies:

Her name is Jill. I remember you. That was some good dentist that used to be at that office.

Deborah Taylor Sweeney

Post #782 – 19981204

December 4, 1998

Can you help?

Months ago, on NPR [KQED-SF or KAWL-SF] I heard on your “theater” program, a story about a dog that died. I remember the word Yukon and very little else. Perhaps it was a PBS Chinwag Theater program? Are you able to identify this story for me. I was listening on my car radio and could not take down info., and a friend, who had just put his 15 year old Golden to sleep heard it on the radio too and had to pull over to feel his grief hwne hearing the story. I would like a tape of the program for him and for me.

Do you know what story we heard?

How can I obtain the tape?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much.

Deborah Taylor Sweeney

Daniel replies:

It's a fairly rare tape, called ""Of Dogs and Men,"" put out by NPR and later, for NPR, by DOVE audio, which has never sent me a royalty statement, let alone a check. The piece is in written form in FISHWHISTLE, which is also out of print and hard to find.

You probably heard it on Chinwag Theater on KQED. I say probably because there are a dozen or fifteen programs which have aired, and I haven't heard in finished form yet...a problem arising from having no staff at all. We plan to make the programs available on tape and/or CD...but first we need a corporate sponsor so we can hire someone to help us.

If you are reading this, and you are a corporation, or if you know a corporation, please consider giving a mediuim-sized lump of money to us. We will mention your name in connection with our fine program, and I think the money can be deducted as though it weren't buying advertisements.

Oh great! Evan Sayre had to remind me that there is a special cassette edition of that story, and my other NPR dog stories, available RIGHT HERE! It's not that there isn't a copy sitting right on my desk in plain sight at all times. Anyway, proceeds from this special edition go to the Malamute Rescue Fund, so go ahead and order it.

Ian Stoba

Post #781 – 19981203

December 3, 1998

I read your response to Richard Hamilton and it got me wondering about My Tooth is Quick. Is it any relation to the early Mickey Spillane novel of a very similar name?

While I’m on the subject of influence and allusion, I have thought for a while now that the cover photo of 5 Novels is based on the cover of the famous recording of George Szell conducting the Chicago Symphony in the Eroica Symphony.

How far off am I? I know Harlan Ellison keeps a file of letters people write to him pointing out references in his work to books he has never read.

And more to the point, is there edible ethnic food anywhere in the Hudson Valley?

Daniel replies:

Mickey Spillane?

I think I remember that recording. No.

How would Harlan Ellison know what books he's never read when I don't?

Ethnic food in the Hudson Valley? There's lots. There are those soft bagels, boiled ham with lettuce and mustard on white, jitterbugs, supermarket hot dogs with canned chili, egg salad with lots of many specialties. Yum. Or, you can go to the Bangal Country Store, which is the _only_ consistently fine restaurant known to me.

Richard Hamilton

Post #780 – 19981129

November 29, 1998

Mr. PinkWater:

I am a long time fan and wish to praise you for your great literary abillities. I first read Lizard Music back in the 3rd grade and instantly fell in love. I hadn’t seen anything from or about you in a long while until a friend sent me the link to this page earlier today.. Good to see others appreciate you as much as I.

One question.. Do you write anything other than childrens books?..

Daniel replies:

I'm never clear what a children's book is. Look at the 5 NOVELS collection, and see what you think. But there's an incredibly hard-to-find novel, THE AFTERLIFE DIET, (which may still be floating around the web, so have a look); two collections of my stupid essays, mostly from NPR, FISHWHISTLE, and CHICAGO DAYS, HOBOKEN NIGHTS...those are for adults, nominally. And I owe a book to Simon and Schuster, tentatively entitled, MY TOOTH IS QUICK...still needs to be worked on. I personally don't distinguish much, except stuff for adults has to be easier to understand.


Post #779 – 19981129

November 29, 1998

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I wrote you a while back, and I read what you wrote. I think it’s really cool that you write back to people like me. Well anyway, I’m writing again for no real reason. I just really like you and your books. I’ve read Allen Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars a total of 8 times. I’m on the verge of memorizing it. Just the other day at school I was reading it during lunch and some people were snickering at me. I was laughing silently at them because they are a bunch of jockstraps (as they are commonly called). I usually don’t stereotype people, but these 2 jockstraps are dumber than a gasoline pump. Most athletes in my school are fairly intelligent, but these jockstraps can barely get through a single class. I laugh at them because they think that they are just the best at anything and everything. The geeks always get the last laugh. I could easily demonstrate this. For example, I recently insulted one of those jockstraps, and he didn’t even know it. That is the worst kind of insult, the kind where you know you’ve been insulted, but not about what. hehehehehehehe

Daniel replies:

I take no sides. My readers include both geeks and jockstraps. I like to think that people who read my stuff don't really belong to either category, and could be called geekstraps.

Evan Sayre

Post #778 – 19981128

November 28, 1998

Mr. Pinkwater,

In an earlier letter you refered to your dogs Lulu and Maxine. Is Maxine new? I know about Lulu. I have a picture of Lulu. What is Maxine’s story?


Daniel replies:

Maxine is a yellow Labrador. She's been with us for about 8 years, and I never mentioned her much because until Lulu arrived a couple of years ago I regarded Maxine as nothing but a pain in the butt dog we had rescued from in front of the pound in a evil moment. She is a pushy, importuning, control-freak, who will look you in the eye and burst into tears 15 minutes before her suppertime, imagining that you will forget to feed her (something which has never happened). However...when we got the wild Inuit puppy, Maxine turned into a super-Mom, and housebroke, raised, and pretty much trained Lulu pretty much singlepawedly. Lulu, like all her kind, has the potential to be a holy terror, and is really quite decent to live with, all because of Maxine.

Steven Cantor

Post #777 – 19981128

November 28, 1998

dr. pinkwater,

i was hoping i could dig out this information online without having to pester you, but i’ve had no luck, sooooo…… a couple of years ago (1995?) in one of your appearances with scott simon, you featured and reviewed several books by the same publisher. you praised this particular publisher very enthusiastically, and the books were all non-fiction. my son is now of the age (and the mindset) where i think he’d greatly appreciate these books, but i can’t remember the publisher’s name! if i recall at all correctly: 1) the name of the publisher was a person’s first and last name, like david godine (but i don’t think that was it) and 2) i seem to recall one of the books was about what life was like in viking society. pretty sketchy, i know, but can you point me towards this publisher?

many thanks in advance,


Daniel replies:

It's Captain Pinkwater, not Dr. You want Peter Bedrick Books, 156 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10010 fax: 212 206 3741. Ask for a catalog.

Alex Smith

Post #774 – 19981125

November 25, 1998

Dear Mr. Pinkwater, My name is Alex Smith and I am 10 years old. I enjoyed your answers to the questions from readers. I thought they were funny. I hope you have a sequel to, Alan Mendelsohn Boy from Mars. I liked the P.A. announcement that went on and on. I have a dog named Harry who is the dumbest dog in the world. When I listened to the dogs howling on the Malamute rescue site ( jumped up excitedly and looked around and around to find a dog that was howling. Have a nice Thanksgiving?

Daniel replies:

Keep reading! Read to Harry. It might help.

Fourth Graders at Golda M

Post #776 – 19981125

November 25, 1998

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

We are 4th graders at Golda Meir School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We just finished reading The Hoboken Chicken Emergency. The parts we thought were hysterical were when Bozo the dog scared Henrietta, that Anthony DePalma’s robot chicken had Elvis hair and was smoking a cigarette, and he used the mayor’s letter opener to pick his teeth. We also enjoyed when Henrietta broke into the Clam Brothers and ate 46 pounds of potatoes. We think you write really great books. We’re now reading Lizard Music. Keep it up forever, Mr. Pinkwater. Keep writing until science perfects the 266-lb. chicken. By the way, we hope you had a Happy Birthday. And have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We won’t be having chicken for Thanksgiving!


Brittney, Tainesha, Joel, Ci, Derrick, Krystalina, Wally, Jessica, Ms. Starck

P.S. Are you writing any books for children right now?

Daniel replies:

I just finished reading THE HOBOKEN CHICKEN EMERGENCY too...on my radio program, Chinwag Theater. Please ask your local public radio station if they carry it. If they don't, all write letters asking them's free--all they have to do is get it off the satellite. We have already done about 34 programs, each with a story or book of mine...but we will be repeating some, and reading new ones. Thank you.

Paula Smith

Post #775 – 19981125

November 25, 1998

Dear Mr. Pinkwater, I am Alex Smith’s Mom and I like you too, as does my husband. I bought my first Pinkwater book before Alex was born. When we were first married we had a husky named Bum. My husband brought her home from work because she had come into the lumber yard where he worked, taken a dump by the bosses’ desk and then lay down across the threshold of the front door and went to sleep. He decided a dog with that kind of attitude toward management was a dog for him. My husband went on to become the business agent for his Teamster local. I loved that dog even when she would steal the steaks off my bottom broiler and head for the door. Is the tape on the husky rescue site from your NPR commentaries?

My husband agrees with your concept on French cars having spent a portion of his misspent youth running around with cars with a silent t in their name.

Best Wishes, Paula Smith

Daniel replies:

Hello. I had email from Alex and Harry.

Benjamin Rose

Post #789 – 19981124

November 24, 1998

I am wishing to speak to Mustafa Please…er I mean Oh Captain My Captain…er ummm well anyway Hello there Genius who has inspired me over the years…I am writing both to wish you a belated Chappy Chanookah and to inform you that I have been accepted to Clarion University for the MLS Program so that I might become a librarian and stock every book by you and your Misses in triplicate no less. I am totally excited and once I get the word that they will loan me the thirty thousand dollars I need to persue this I will be happy because then I am truly going to be heading to graduate school in June. The aforementioned they is actually an it known as uncle whiskers or Uncle Sam or the USA Govt.

In any case and to the point more further I am curious of your take on an issue that both bothers me and leaves me feeling helpless to resolve it: I have heard of late that roughly 45 to 50 percent of all convictions in courts of law are persons of caucasoid distraction. However, 75 to 80 percent of the prisons are populated by minorities. Do you think that a person could possibly remedy this by teaching the younger crowds about the beauty of literature? Do you think it presumptuous for a Middle Class White Male such as myself to attempt to persue such an endeavor? and finally do you believe such an endeavor is possible without living in the inner cities. (I am sort of phobic of large cities after having been mugged last year in Portland Oregon.)

I felt that you who be the fount of all knowledges mighht have an answerto this completely serious issue.

Yours in good health and fine reading,

Benjamin Rose (persuing Librarianship fr the next Millenium)

Daniel replies:

This is not to say that librarians are the finest, best and most valuable people in our society--but they should be.

I am fond of saying, (to myself, because who else will listen?), that being a writer of (good) books for kids is as important a thing to do as exists in all the world. I can imagine a (good) librarian saying the same thing.

If you can get mugged in Portland, Oregon, I imagine you can get mugged anywhere.


Post #773 – 19981119

November 19, 1998

I asked you a while ago what “The Wuggie Norple Story” was, and you told me to look for it. I requested it through the library, and I read it yesterday. It was pretty good. The ending was perfect. Did making up the names take a lot of effort? When you do a picture book with a different illustrator (different from you, I mean), do you get to tell him or her what to draw, or does he or she just run rampant? Does getting a series of questions bother you?


Daniel replies:

Answering a bunch of questions doesn't bother me because I forget most of them. I let illustrators do whatever they like. When I did my own illustrations, I let myself do whatever I liked. Besides, why should they listen to me? Even Jill, who is married to me or something, knows better than to pay the least attention to what I say.

Lina Crompton

Post #772 – 19981117

November 17, 1998

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I loved the audio tape of Fish Whistle; we borrowed it from the library. I listened to it many times. Is it available for sale; we would love to own a copy. I especially liked the stories about the animals. I am an animal-lover too. Doy you have any other of your stories narrated on cassette tape?

Your Canadian audio fan,

Lina Crompton

Daniel replies:

Hey, listen...don't make me tell you this: Check the tape out of the library, put it in your double-dubbing deck, and make yourself a copy. If the library can get you the other tape, CHICAGO DAYS, HOBOKEN NIGHTS, do the same thing. There are a few other tapes around. Copy them. I don't care. The company that distributed them has never paid a cent in royalties, so you may as well enjoy them. If you're close enough to a US city where Chingwag Theater is broadcast, or have your own satellite downlink, or influence with the CBC, you may tape that too. Tape what you like. Be a pirate. It will allow you to feel better about being a Canadian, and guilty at the same time. We never had this conversation, understand?

P. Ford

Post #771 – 19981116

November 16, 1998

Wanted to wish you a happy birthday and to thank you for your letter to Melony. You made our day. She was thrilled and I was jealous. We celebrated your birthday on Thursday (that is when I have help in the library). Serving cake and junk food to 170 students is a big job. We had a great time and of course we missed you.

Thanks again for the reply

One of your biggest fans

(a seriously fat librarian)

Daniel replies:

Do you mean serious, fat, fat and serious, or seriously fat? I myself am not seriously fat. I am ridiculously fat.

Kevin Harris

Post #770 – 19981113

November 13, 1998

To R.H. Dr. Mr. Daniel Pinkwater;

After reading “Young Adult Novel,” A few of my friends began an “art movement,” if you could even call it that, based on similar views. Had I been there to begin with, I would have readily informed them of the absurdity they had just created. Taking the ideas behind such a book into practice is highly irrational to say the least, but, as I learned later, they felt as if they had a calling. My name is Kevin, and the similarities, evidently, between my name and the infamous Kevin Shapiro were too much for them to keep quiet. At this point, they began brainwashing me with afternoon trips to local eateries and small cards mentioning local authorities, written in German, of course. I had no choice but to comply. I had become a full-fledged Merry Mouse, and I had never heard of “Young Adult Novel.”

It was three days ago that my friends began wreaking havoc on my social life.

What started as some innocent attempts to force-feed me Grape Nuts and the required wearing of coonskin hats (Faux, of course, we don’t want to hurt any fuzzy raccoonies) began a full-fledged attempt to make me a school Deity. Two days ago I heard about a poster in a hall where I have no classes. Then came the other posters. I’m sure there must have been at least a hundered, photocopied posters saying, “Kevin Harris: He’s the AWESOMEST: (Thing, Person, Place, Idea, Genius, and WARM FUZZY ENTITY!)

Yesterday they all came over to my house to celebrate our great victory. The posters, unlike our small German cards, had very little effect on the school as a whole and did little to sway the population, but they still felt as if they’d won something. They stayed a remarkably short while, and then left. One of them had left his backpack, but it was too late to return it. Curious, I looked inside the backpack. First I looked in the first compartment. It was empty! I was intrigued. I saw a bulge in another compartment. I opened it, and inside I saw a single book, “The Wuggie Norple Story.” The clue was not obvious, but I began to look for others. I did not find it until today, when they came over a second time. After they left, I came upon “Five Novels” on the Guest Room bed. I sat down and began to read. As I finished the final chapter, I understood. I am horrified! Had their campaign been a little more persuasive, I would now have had means to strike back, on THEIR terms. I have not. I am faced with a problem. How do I retaliate in ways that would be applicable in their fantasy world, taking into account they have brainwashed me, and also taking into account my limited rescources?

Indeed, I could use my cards and posters, but that has proved ineffective. I could start a rival “art movement”, but under what principle would it be deemed their nature, so they would truly understand the act? Perhaps it is only a matter of time.

As usual,

Kevin Harris

–BTW: I don’t think I’m ANYthing like the Kevin from “Young Adult Novel.” I’ll give you the glasses, the comic books, but the shoes? Never. Maybe it was the shoes. Maybe that’s just my cult programming talking.

Daniel replies:

First, I did not write YOUNG ADULT NOVEL. I know, many people think I did. I also did not write YOUNG ADULTS, which contains the aforementioned, plus DEAD-END DADA and THE DADA BOYS IN COLLITCH. I wrote none of that trash. So, there's no point in complaining to me about your lousy friends. I write nice books about fuzzy animals. I am completely innocent. Stop writing to me.

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