Patrick Snook
Post #686 – 19970101January 1, 1997
Dear Sir,
I heard your radio essay yesterday (Wednesday, 18 March, All Things Considered) about your long search for a decent cup of coffee and a respectable sandwich.
I make superb coffee, quite respectable sandwiches, and not too distractingly bad diner food. My wife and I would like to run our own cafe someday. We’re relatively young, and yet we might not let you down by shortchanging you, or serving frou-frou finger food, or . . . heaven forbid . . . selling espresso.
How about letting us know how to contact the owner and seller of that little cafe, and we’ll see if we can keep you happy of a Sunday.
Daniel replies:
I received email from the prospective new owners of the Bangall Country Store, in Bangall, New York. They assure me that they intend to continue the fine tradition of good bread and lovely cooking. I promised them I will give them a serious series of trials, and correct the record, if it's warranted.