Talk to DP Forum

Aleta Fera

Post #635 – 19970101

January 1, 1997


The Snarkout Boys series is a favorite of mine, even though I’m in university now (must be that inner 12 year old, hmm?) Does the new novel take place at Genghis Khan High (I noticed Ms. Sweet, the psycho biology teacher) One thing I always wondered; what are the thirteen different levels which The Baconburg Horror can be read on?

PS A friend of mine saw the Chicken Man riding a bus a couple years ago. I love it when reality and fiction collide!!!

Daniel replies:

Fiction and reality collide? You think what I write is fiction?

Thanks for the kind words. My readers are so neat!

Ella Bass

Post #490 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I’m a teacher at Lauderbach Elementary School in Chula Vista, Ca and my fifth grade students just finished reading Pinkwater’s story “The Hoboken Chicken Adventure.” We learned that his story was made into a movie for television and we would like to know how we could view the movie in our classroom. How do we gain access to the movie? We would appreciate any information you can give us.

Daniel replies:

Ella Bass -- Obviously you read the textbook adaptation of ""The Hoboken Chicken Emergency."" There was a one-hour TV movie in the Wonderworks series, which still airs from time to time. When it was first shown, I received much congratulation from adults, and exactly six letters from kids. All the letters said more or less precisely the same thing: ""I bet you had nothing to do with the making of that movie."" And they were right. I think it would be a good classroom exercise to compare the movie with the story in the reader, or the book.

[Try Critic's Choice Video, at 800-367-7765 --Ed.]


Post #478 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Ok, so I have read your books for a long time, from the age of eight, or maybe five. I still dont like avacadoes, but we all have our faults. I stopped reading your books for a while about a year back, because I had discovered Douglas Adams and the imfamous Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, funny as hell, but no real fat men, or lizards for that matter(allright, for Adams’s sake, there was one fat man, but he was spending a year dead for tax purposes), and I was feeling lost and confused. I needed a pinkwater fix, so I went to my local library, only to find that some haggis headed yokel had stolen them all! And it wasn’t me! Now the only book I have of yours is the last guru(which I, coincidentaly, stole from a library). Now I cant find your books anywhere, excluding this sight, whic doesnt count because I am only 16 and dont have a credit card. How else can I obtain them? Back door bookcover ripping operations? The chicago mafia? Out of town library? Or can I just break down in tears at my book store? Also, did they make movies out of any of your other books besides the Hoboken Chicken Emergency?

P.S. I am fat and proud, even if it is a bit embarassing in pe. Really, when will it ever come in handy in real life? “Fifty squat thrusts now! Or you dont get the raise!!”

Daniel replies:

Draynen -- OK, listen up. This is for you, Draynen, and anyone else who comes here who's fat, (probably 50% at least), and, actually anyone. You type where it says ""Location"" in your web browser . This will take you to a neat site all for and about fat peoples, which is entertaining and enlightening in itself, but.....this is jumping the gun--there will be an official announcement before the quite near future is going to post a whole novel of mine, the very hard to find, ""The Afterlife Diet,"" a chapter a day until the whole thing is there. Then it disappears. Thus, a wretched 16-year-old without funds can read something of mine for free. Am I a terrific guy or what?

P.S. Yes, the fact that you're fat will become part of your permanent record.

Dr. Kyle

Post #503 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Mr. Pinkwater,

It’s so good to find your Web page. This is Dr. Kyle, veterinarian in Kansas who used to be connected with you through GENIE. I know, I know, you’re thinking “Some Vet in Kansas?” A few years ago, you had rootbeer as a topic – the best made, and we sent you some LOST TRAILS brew from Louisburg, KS, which I think you liked, if not giving it top listing. Also, you encouraged me to send a commentary to NPR for Margaret Low Smith to hear. She did listen (thanks to you), and she was very kind and gentle in her rejection. (Another veterinarian already has that spot on NPR.) I will always feel honored that you would help and encourage me.

You have a wonderful Web page, one I have added to my special address list. I’ll check in again.

Daniel replies:

Dr. Kyle - Cowdoc! I remember you. I remember the root beer. Margaret Low Smith would have listened to your tape with or without my recommendation, and rejected it because of your frothing-at-the-mouth right-wing politics. I also remember Razzlee your clever assistant, and your bad music radio show. You are a renaissance vet, and a credit to the state of Kansas.

It's not my website. It's Aileron's shrine to greatness.

Miriam Solon

Post #702 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I just read the first 39 chapters of “The Afterlife Diet” at one sitting, and now I’m really hungry.

I’m looking forward to the rest, but I really think I should do my taxes first.

Thank you for making me laugh my head off.

BTW, if you’re back home last weekend of June please drop by our festival (Natsu Matsuri), just up the road two miles from your beloved(?) Nettelhorst. In addition to Japanese food, we also serve Vienna Hot Dogs.

visit the website:

with gassho


Miriam Solon

Daniel replies:

Does anybody know the words to the Nettlehorst song?

William A. Broom

Post #589 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Magister Pinkwater,

Isn’t technology…whatever. Congratulations on your web site, the URL to which I typed into my browser even as you spoke it in your NPR commentary mere moments ago. I was connected your new electronic presence before your commentary was finished and was pleased to find — FINALLY!! — an Opera Omnia Pinkwateri listed there, now available world-wide. Clicky-clicky and voila`!

I have enjoyed repeated readings of “Chicago Days Hoboken Nights” and “Fishwhistle,” and await more published versions of your insightful autobiographical musings. The accounts of your Epiphany before a Jackson Pollock painting and your life among malamutes and maine coon cats have struck a special chord (I prefer the harmonious spelling) with me. If it’s not too presumptuous to ask, could you kindly crank out your publications for us older children a bit faster. I have already seen 50 summers and fear that either of us has an ever more limited engagement in which to enjoy your work.

Yours, enthusiastically awaiting your next publication announcement,

Bill Broom

Daniel replies:

Discipulus Broom -- I do not differentiate. The books are not _for_ young or old, they are for young me! As someone remarked on this page, I contain the child I have been. Others are invited to read with him. Besides, I too am past a half century, and plan to do another 40 or 50, which I suggest you do also, so you can read the

David Price

Post #646 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Hi Daniel, I’m an anthropologist who has been using the Freedom of Information Act to write a tragic history of the Cold War (the paranoia, intellectual, social & financial costs). I’m one of your biggest fans & was thrilled to hear your piece on NPR a few months back on that Russian children’s book illustrator/writer… I can’t find the napkin on which I scrawled the artist/author’s name, or the name of the book you spoke of, would you be kind enough to tell me who this author is & provide a citation of the re-issued book you reviewed? Thanks.

I have been sparring with the FBI off and on over the last few years trying to pry loose their files on Ted Geisel (As Mr. Hoover used to say:…hmmmm….something suspicious about ANYONE who uses a pseudonym…). Once they finally turn it over I’d be happy to send on a copy of his file to you if you are interested in such things.


PS: My son Milo (age 4) want to know you are riding inside the second car from the left on shown on page one of the last pages of your book “Aunt Lulu.” If it is a picture of you, where are you going? Inquiring minds want to know.

Daniel replies:

Did Hoover say anything about people over 40 who wear feather boas? I wonder if my FBI files contains any of those pictures they used to take of me at folk concerts in Chicago in the 50's. My father had brought me a genuine beret and a paisley scarf from Paris, and I always wore them, and the agents used to snap me with the long lenses, because of my un-American appearance, not to mention that I was going places to hear black musicians. Dr. Seuss had a file? My, my.

Sorry, David Price, I forgot to say the book is FIRST, SECOND, published by the often-mentioned FS&G this past spring. The name of the translator and illustrator (good!) elude me at the moment.

Dennis Franco

Post #639 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I heard the new diet segment on NPR but didn’t sink in until I reflected on it.

I need to shed some winter weight and it sounded credible.

Where can I get it? (the diet) ratatouie..sp? recipe?

Thanks Daniel…I also enjoyed your call in to Car Talk which prompted this message. (I loved the call about your old BMW….I have an old one too.

Daniel replies:

Dennis, I will send Aileron the text of my fool-proof ratatouille weight-loss plan, (not diet, please--diets are dangerous things, and many people make themselves uncomfortable and/or endanger their health by dieting--my plan is just eating a lot of yummy vegetables instead of double cheeseburgers). I am sure Aileron will post the piece here. Thanks for your kind words, and the old BMW is running fine!

The Fourth Grade at Alban

Post #661 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

We can hardly wait to see you at Albany Academy for Girls on November 1st. We enjoy reading your books, especially THE BLUE MOOSE and MUSH, THE DOG FROM SPACE and NED FELDMAN, SPACE PIRATE. We will see you soon.

>From the Fourth Grade at Albany Academy for Girls

P. S. Please write back.

Daniel replies:

Dear Fourth Grade at Albany Academy for Girls:

Yep, it's a fact. I will show up on November first, prepared to give my usual stupid answers to your intelligent questions. It makes me sad to think how many readers who may respect me now will be asking on November second: ""Who was that idiot?"" But, you have to learn to stay away from authors some time.


Post #504 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Hey Danny! hows the modern day world treating you? I am none other than your actual biggest fan. i have never red books (save for one(enders game by orson scott card)) that were as totally entertaining as yours. ever since fourth grade when i wrote a letter to you in fourth grade i have been trying to gen in touch again. i was sent i nice picture of about ten of you floating around . (obviously a genius at work) i just want to say that i immensely enjoy the hours of reading i have spent on your books. i only regret that i have not met you in person. we have alot alike. my personal fave would have to be alan mendelson, boy from mars. keep it comin’ but dont work too hard.-awed and splendored, davy: age 14

Daniel replies:

Davy - Other readers have mentioned ""Enders Game."" I'll have to check it out. Maybe Ian Stoba can read it on the airplane. Thanks for the kind words, and being my fan and all. You're wrong about wishing you had met me. People are always disappointed when they meet writers they like, and discover they are.....(yuck)...writers. However, readers can be nice, especially mine.

Dave Taylor

Post #499 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

To the Great Mr. Pinkwater –

Just wanted to let you know that I push all your books on people I know and don’t know. The woman I date depends on whether or not she can appreciate “Blue Moose” and the music of Frank Zappa. I also wanted to let you know that I am now obsessed with New Jersey. My last girlfriend was from there. I think about it a lot. Keep up the great work!

Daniel replies:

Dave Taylor -- I applaud your high standards. As must the women of New Jersey.

Daniel Epstein

Post #488 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Sir, thank you very much for writing Fat Men from Outer Space and Lizard Music, they changed my life.

Daniel replies:

Daniel Epstein -- I am glad to hear it. Others have told me the same thing, but I'm never sure if they are thanking me or accusing.


Post #484 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

well. i’m very irritated. i DISTINCTLY remember seeing the meaning of

life posted here…it was something involving bagels…

hello. im a collitch student, and i have no idea how i managed to get

here after reading so many of your books…i would think that would be



dooo dooo dodo dooo do (tuneless humming)

i am an extremely unworthy individual, i bow before you, do you really


please write more books, i will stand on street corners and distribute

them to passersby as i wait for the #22 clark bus.

have you been to 57th Street Books in chicago? i mention them because

not only are they one of the few bookstores that has voluntarily had

book such as young adult novel in stock, but they carry many other books

such as Well Wished which deserves to be plugged also, even though

d.m.p. didn’t write it. anyone passing through chicago should stop by

and SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT BOOKSELLERS–they’re the only ones that

sell books by people like d.m.p.


Daniel replies:

d -- Was the post from rschroed received via the web, or was it, as I suspect, pressed into your hand by someone in the crowd at the Sunday Brooklyn Outdoor Kosher Computer Market, printed in tiny letters like the exterior of a Dr. Bronner's soap bottle, on a crumpled sheet of paper? This is the dark side of DMP book-culture. We don't know who rschroed is, and that may be for the best. We only hope that s/he will accept our good wishes, and not do us any harm.

Brad Sondahl

Post #536 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I recently received some heinous spam email about 5 Novels by D. P. It must have contained some form of mind control because I dutifully went out and purchased a copy, even though I’d read 4 of the 5 novels several times previously. Now I am left pondering, why these 5 novels? A good omnibus might have all the Spiegel works together, or both Snarkout novels. I suspect the selection was intended to have a second collection “Son of 5 Novels,” with the missing related works. Is this your heinous plot?

Daniel replies:

Complain to my heinous editor, Mr. Wesley Adams at Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He made the choices--I merely held my breath and approved whatever he wanted. I was happy some company was willing to take on such a project. See, for publishers, bringing out some well-liked books collected in an inexpensive paperback edition is as daring as space-walks. If enough copies sell, yes, there will be another collection. You can help this happen by giving copies to persons known to you, who can read, as holiday gifts. (Cheap ones, too).

I think Adams's idea was to provide a sampling. Probably, he did not dream there might be another collection, and expected to get fired after talking his company into risking more than $4,000 on such a radical project.

My own wish was to make it a really overstuffed 2-volume set with about 20 out-of-print books--and I offered to let FSG do so for the same paltry sum they ultimately advanced me--but it was just too scary for them. I am delighted 5 Novels exists, and hope it does well enough for them to bring out another.

Chad Kirby

Post #545 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Mr. Pinkwater,

Though I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember, the first books that REALLY got my attention were “Lizard Music” and “The Last Guru.” Memories of them stick with me to this day. You were my first favorite author back in the fouth grade or so, and I want to thank you very much for the hours of enjoyment I got from your books.

I was delighted to discover your commentaries on ATC a couple years ago and always enjoy them. I continue to enjoy your work very much 20 years after first discovering you–something I cannot say for any other author. We should all write to ATC and request more and longer Daniel Pinkwater commentaries (if you’re up to doing them)!

Thanks again, best regards and keep creating,

Chad Kirby

Daniel replies:

Clearly your early experiences, (including reading my books), gave you a disciplined and creative mind. All write to ATC? You mean What an interesting idea. And it's your belief that many communications from listeners would cause them to appreciate me and air my stuff? Well, I've said all along that I attract exceptional readers. This is just another example.

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