Talk to DP Forum

Tom, Zan, & Joanne

Post #628 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Joanne keeps asking me, “Are you going to answer Daniel Pinkwater?” I didn’t know he asked a question I reply. “It was Smokey Stover, question mark. Not Popeye, question mark. Whence comes my mental image, etc., question mark. I’d say he asked you about four of them in all,” says she.

Well, the whence comes my mental image one I’ll leave to doctors Jung and Brill, reply I. He does undermine my confidence in my recollection by questioning thus. Not Popeye, no never, no resemblance between the hitchhiker and George G. Geezil in the beard department, and G. G is the standard by which I measure. Mush Stebbins crosses my mind . . . could it be? No. No, that was “dern such weather ” and “blow.” And those were definitely background characters. Nov schmoz was a foreground personality.

Smokey Stover. No question about it.

I worked with Bob Crumb before he discovered LSD and headed for the coast. He never talked about his sources of inspiration for his comic characters — other than his father and the broken collarbone he gave Bob for christmas one year. Whiteman is drawn from life. And, ’tis true that Bob was enamored of young women of size. Last time I saw him he was sitting on the floor of a hotel room in Chicago and telling me how he was still working on his line. A true artist.

Daniel replies:

I once took a ride in a open-topped Volkswagen with R. Crumb, H. Kurtzman, and T. Gilliam. Interestingly, it wasn't much fun. However, had we all been creamed by an 18-wheeler the landscape of humor might have been slightly different. (It might conceivably have been fun if Kurtzman hadn't been present--or maybe if I hadn't).

Tim Whittemore

Post #663 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Daniel,

I have a permanent memory from your Cartalk comments describing car manufacturers’ lack of ergonomical considerations toward big-bellied Bubbas like myself. This automaker oversight would also apply to expectant mothers. In another 7 months, I will be a new father, and soon, our little Toyota Corolla will seem small not only to me, but my partner, Beth.

This Halloween, I had more of your voice etched into my brain. I can’t forget about Nadine the giant chicken. “She’s a real Shtarker, isn’t she.” I was recording with my band Big Blow and the Bushwackers in the glorious NPR studio 4A. We created the music and sound effects for the multi-authored story you were part of – “A Halloween Journey”. The only sound we didn’t create was the clucking that all the authors added. (I can’t tell which cluck was yours.)

I had to tell you it was fun working with you (so to speak), and to thank you for being the representative voice of the D.I.E.T.- C.A.R. (Drivers in ergonomic turmoil – creating automotive responsibility).


Tim Whittemore

P.S. – Do you know of any good kids’ books?

Daniel replies:

I noticed that the music with that patched-together Halloween story was the best thing in it. Well, it was all in fun--and more enjoyable than the news. I believe the text and Realaudio are posted at the NPR site, for people who like to listen to the radio through their computers. Thanks for coming by.


Post #676 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Another Pinkwater thesis topic for would-be Pinkwater scholars:

Time and space are explicitly conflated in_Borgel_, and Melvin Spellbound makes a journey that is temporal, as well as spatial. This is not a unique occurrence in the Pinkwater canon–travel to the “other world” (by which I mean the City Beneath the City, the place that the heroes travel to escape the banality of their lives) is often linked with travel through time, more specifically into th past. The _Heart of Darkness_-like voyage to “the primitive” in _Worms of Kukumlima_ aside, we can see that the past is invoked in the Snark theater (a retro movie house, or whatever they’re called) and in Morrie’s occult bookstore (a used bookstore, where our heroes learn archaeology)–and remember Victor’s discovery of his childhood squirrel on Thunderbolt Island? Is this invocation of the past related to the well-known saw that science is progessive while magic (in the guise of state 26, perhaps?) is regressive? Or is it simply as extension of the time-and-space-are-one philosophy?

Daniel replies:

I note you don't tackle the ""Time, space and the other,"" formulation. Nobody does. My work is not done. I can see I have other books to write. I believe Lao Tzu had this same problem, but handled it a different way. Well, he didn't have to depend on publishers to make his living.

Emerie Snyder

Post #525 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I’m 14 years old and I’ve enjoyed your books for a long time (even though they are sort of strange!). Recently, I’ve gotten very interested in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books by Douglas Adams. His writing style reminds me so much of yours. So, I was wondering if you have met him or know of his books. I might try writing to him as well and asking him about you. Hopefully, one of you will write back (although I’ll be surprised if either of you gives me a straight answer!)

Thanks so much and please keep writing your wonderfully insane books.

Daniel replies:

I know who Douglas Adams is, and I liked ""Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."" I don't know if Douglas Adams knows who I am, but I seem to remember somebody telling me that he does. Or maybe it was Terry Prachett who knows who I am. I could be mistaken. Anyway, it is within the realm of possibility that some famous writer you like might know who I am. You know, they are always going in and out of libraries and book shops. Thank you for the opportunity to write this straight answer.

Erik Hammen

Post #692 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Hello Pinkwater

I know you come to Albany NY and lurk around every so often, so I thought I might turn you on to a great Italian deli. As you drive downtown from the Bookhouse at Stuyvesant plaza it’s about four blocks down on your right in a minimall. I used to work at the Bookhouse and am glad to see the massive 5 book anthology includes the mighty Alan Mendelsohn, The Boy from Mars, and that your recent works published on line are not deviating from your Chicago beatnik fat boy theme.

Daniel replies:

I know the Bookhouse well, and may know the deli of which you speak. I have noshed extensively up and down that road, the name of which escapes me, and have even sampled the joke bagels at Breugger's.

Brad Sondahl

Post #651 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

What are some juvenile authors that you enjoy, or that influenced you?


Brad Sondahl in Idaho

Daniel replies:

I have trouble listing favorite authors. So many, and my preferences and choices change from day to day. As a kid, I soon moved on from such picture-books as were available and remember toiling through adventure novels, including Jules Verne, R.L. Stevenson, Dickens, Hugo-- all made accessible by the precious Classics Comics, which one would read first, to get a general idea, and then tackle the book. We lost a fantastic resource when those stopped publication.

At present, I am getting a look at current kids' books in connection with my once-a-month job as the kiddie book guy on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday with Scott Simon. Fairly discouraging. I have to go through a lot of mediocre books to find one worth talking about. So far, my observation is that Fararr Straus and Giroux and Henry Holt have pretty consistenly good lists, and most others are mainly dross, with a few good books thrown in.


Post #528 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Sir, you claim to have lived in Chicago but you do not have a Chicago accent. Can you explain dis? Mike

Daniel replies:

I have the old authentic Chicago accent. That which is considered a Chicago accent today is actually an emulation of the speech of various upper-class Bostonians, who came to Chicago early in the century, and dominated politics and civic life. The late Mayor Richard ""Biff"" Daley, (Boston Latin School, Choate, Harvard, Harvard Law), is a prime example of this group. See,

Daniel Wabyick

Post #652 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Hello Mr. Pinkwater!

– I must start off by telling you I have been deeply affected/afflicted by many of your books during my younger, more tender years. I hold you personally responsible for the way I turned out. The SnarkOut Boys and the Avocado of Death was an especially good book for me. I read it more often that I went to synagogue.

– Anyways. I just wanted to relate a short story and ask a question. I have always dreamed of discovering a theatre like the Snark…I determined if I ever found such a theatre, I would work there. When I read Fish Whistle and realized it was based on the now-deceased Clark Theatre in Chicago, I was both elated and saddened.

– Part three: Soon after my discovery, I found out that an older friend of mine actually had worked in the Clark Theatre in the late 1960’s. Furthermore, he told me of a story about a gang of interstate car thieves that were apprehended inside the Clark during a film. This solidified everything I had ever dreamed would happen in a theatre like the Snark.

– Finally, the question: Are there any 24 hour theatres like the Snark/Clark left on this earth, and if so, could you give me a tell?

Take care,

Daniel Alan Wabyick

Daniel replies:

I have seen many things in the Clark Theater myself. Not long ago someone sent me a bunch of the monthly listings they's mail out to patrons on cheapest paper. The films would have a two-line, usually rhymed synopsis. For example, ""The World of Apu,"" might have: ""An Indian kid; Find out what he did,"" and the like. When you filled out a slip for their mailing list, and put it in the box, if you filled in your birthday, they'd send you a free pass on the day--and you could ask for any movie, and they'd get it for you. Life was bleak in Chicago in the 50's, and the people who went to the Clark constituted a little sub- culture. You'd develop nodding acquaintances, have converstions in the lobby. Once I found a free ride to New York. People would have favorite times to attend, and you'd look for the same faces coming out as you went in. Sometimes, knowing that a friend would be exiting at the time another friend would be arriving you could send a message, useful, as Clark-types tended to be phoneless. I doubt there is any place like that today. Maybe certain web sites will evolve.

Bernadette Noll

Post #632 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I do live in a place where middle eastern delights do not exist. Things such as good pizza, good hotdogs and good bagels are unheard of here in Texas. Many try to replicate but none have achieved the perfect toughness and doughiness of a real New Jersey bagel, yeast bubbles on pizza are practically unheard of and no, I don’t think Vienna hotdogs are available ANYWHERE within a thousand miles or so of Austin. I do return to my beloved middle eastern home state a couple times a year to remind my tastebuds of how they are really meant to be. Yellow mustard huh? The other fixings we add but the yellow mustard is what we are lacking. Thanks for the tip.

Daniel replies:

I feel I have to say that, except for bagels, I believe that eating this kind of thing very often will kill you. I know that as a fat person, and because of certain themes that appear in my work, I am assumed by many to be a completely reckless eater--but it's not the case. Treat those frankfurters with the respect you would give a loaded pistol.

Joe Gratz

Post #670 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Hi. I’m 1 16-year-old whose personality and sense of humor have been shaped, molded, twisted, and otherwise warped by “Young Adult Novel”. I got the book when I was 6, read it, and was tickled slightly. Then, when I was 12, I read it again, and was severely tickled. Last year, I began to study Dada — obviously due to some long-dormant, subconscious curiosity brought on by the book. I recently read “Young Adult Novel” again, and was tickled within an inch of my life. After 6 more readings, I passed the book around among my friends, who are quick becoming as odd as I am. Many thanks for helping to turn me into the strange, slightly-annoyingly sardonic odd duck that I am today. Even though it is “a dada story”, things this odd usually have some underlying symbolism. The best I can tell, the Dada Ducks represent the U.S. Government, getting a friendly dictator elected, only to be squashed by him, after all kinds of propaganda. Then again, maybe it has no moral.

And I promise, if I ever open any sort of restaurant, it will be called the Balkan Falcon.

Thanks 1,000,000.25 (the .25 is from my friends who just read the book. They’ll work up to a million soon enough),

Joe Gratz

Daniel replies:

I emphatically deny that any book or books of mine had anything to do with you turning out the way you have. Everybody knows that books, movies, TV, music have no effect of any sort on individuals or the culture as a whole. With education, guidance, possibly treatment, and maybe incarceration, you can hope to become a reliable member of the work force, a consumer, and a member of a political party. I apologize for having written those books, and am currently in therapy, viewing films made by the Walt Disney Company (tm), with a view to becoming a constructive and acceptable kind of artist. Thank you.


Post #667 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

I am a Ph.D. candidate at NYU named Hal. I would love to do my dissertation on your texts, O Pinkwater, but I have a feeling that wouldn’t work out so well. For those brave than I, I offer some sample subjects for Pinkwater criticism:

The theme of doubling in _Alan Mendelsohn_: there are numerous repetitions of silly little things (one example is the Nafsu Motors yearbook and Nafsulian pirates, there are several more) that lead up to the doubling of Waka-Waka/Hogboro. Is there a common thread betwen these doublets? Is one more “real” than the other?

_Alan Mendelsohn_ and _Avocado of Death_ present different paths to “salvation” (or whatever). In AM, Leonard goes through an internal change–at the end of the book he is back to where he was in the beginning, in the main. (The exception is the remedial gym class.) His best friend is gone. His psychic powers show no evidence of being used in the future. He goes to the same lousy school. But his experience has made him into a kind of Alan Mendelsohn. The Snarkout Boys, on the other hand, have not changed at all: they have simply discovered another world, much cooler than the one they were used to–they have only changed externally, have only changed their surroundings. Compare and contrast.

Is Mr. Neeble Osgood Sigerson? Evidence: enjoyment of raisin toast & avocados; nose putty can for collar studs/Osgood’s false nose; never at the same convention; Mr. Neeble’s “working late”; Osgood’s familiar voice; etc. But then who is Sacker?

Note that all Pinkwater juvenile novels have the same plot: alienated (or at least dissatisfied) young boy goes finds himself in unusual circumstances, the strangeness escalates until he is initiated into another, weirder world. This outline applied to _Alan Mendelsohn_, _Snarkout Boys_ (although by the second book they’re already initiated), _Yobgorgle_, _Borgel_, _Lizard Music_, the underappreciated _Worms of Kukumlima_, even _Java Jack_ and many other books. Now look at _Young Adults_. The first section, “Young Adult Novel,” is the Pinkwater plot in reverse: we get the plot from the point of view of the weird people. Kevin Shapiro is the alienated kid, but he doesn’t want to be initiated. “Dead End Dada” is a parody of the Pinkwater plot. The Dada Boys are now cast as the alienated youths, but they mistake banality for cool weirdness. “The Dada Boys in Collitch” is a return to the standard plot, with the weird old guy in the woods representing the strange world that the Dada Boys need to be initiated into. This is why “In Collitch” is “unfinished”; we already know the rest, because Pinkwater has written it several times before. More work needs to be done on this.

I would like to prepare annotated versions of Pinkwater’s major works to facilitate study. I mean, how long did it take before I got the Cabeza de Vaca references? A Pinkwater Society, with a high quality quarterly, should be founded. Etc.

Love and Kisses,


Daniel replies:

I don't think NYU is too classy for you to do your dissertation on the works of Pinkwater. Of course, the rest of your career would be pretty dismal, but given your taste in reading that's going to be so anyway. I wish you'd write it, and send me a copy. Then I could find out what my books are about. Hey, it may not be too late for you to send a quote, or permission to quote from your posting here, to Wes Adams. It would look good to have a blurb from someone enrolled in a college.

P.S. In the Chicago stage production of AVOCADO OF DEATH they had the same actress play the mother and Sacker. I wonder if that was what I had in mind. Never having read the book, I can't say for sure.

Fred Fisher

Post #662 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

Being a former resident of the Hudson Valley, I enjoy your pieces on NPR. In the future, if you have childrens books to give away, try the New Paltz school system. They may be more receptive and they certainly could use new books. Most of their stuff was published in the 50’s and 60’s.


Fred Fisher

Daniel replies:

I do accumulate enough review copies of children's books, from time to time, to donate to a local school library. New Paltz, while in my neighborhood, isn't local enough. I plan to give books to all the schools in my own town--other towns, get your own local book reviewer to hand them over, instead of schlepping them to NYC and selling them for money. Nor do I claim them as a charitable deduction. Am I a cool guy, or what?

Jack Falco

Post #685 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Dear Mr M. Pinkwater,

Do you injoy writing your books and recording your tapes? I like to listen to your tape Blue Moose and guess what our dog’s name is. Blue. Maybe if your dog and my dog get together they would have a great time playing. My favorite story in the Blue Moose stories is the moose from space,and when my family goes on vacation we bring the Blue Moose tape and we bring our dog Blue too. My mom and I read your stories about being fat and she loved the part where you saw a sign and it said, danger do not go any farther and you did and you thouth since it was a old sign you thouth it must be old danger. We thought that was very funny especially my mom.


>From Arden, Delaware

HAVE A GOOD TIME Reading MY letter BYE.

Daniel replies:

I did have a good time reading your letter! I'm glad you enjoy the Blue Moose tape. Persons who own tape recorders, and whose local public radio station carry the new program Chinwag Theater, will be able to tape _all_ my stuff--all ever written--if the program lasts long enough. Satellite transmissions begin next month. It is perfectly all right to phone, mail, fax and email the station, and tell the Program Director or General Manager you want them to carry it. The first 52 weeks are free!

Miriam Solon

Post #592 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

There was an amazing production of Lizard Music at a theatre in Chicago a few years ago. I’m having a brain cramp, so I can’t remember the theatre’s name, but they specialize in staging children’s literature in very imaginative productions. I’m going to keep typing until the theatre’s name comes to me.

I’m visiting the website, prompted by your plug on NPR today. I haven’t checked out the audio clips yet, but I hope you have the story about Jill and the wolf and also your appearance in the Nettlehorst Christmas play. Two of my kid cousins went there in the ’60s, and the faculty were still doing things like that (coercing Jewish kids–in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood–into appearing in Christmas pageants).

Ah, the cramp has cleared up. The theatre is called Lifeline. They are in Rogers Park, and they are fabulous.

Love the ratatouille recipe!

Just had one more question for you…

In the Lifeline Theatre production of Lizard Music, your bio was radically different from the info in your bio here and your brief family history. If I log on, say a week from now, will it be a third kind of different? If so, I look forward to it.

P.S.: Even though you say you don’t read anymore, except for Moby Dick, I would recommend Douglas Adams. I’d also recommend him to your readers, as his work is sort of the older kids’/young adults’ version of what you do. Since I still have all my childhood and young adulthood inside of me, I read both.

Daniel replies:

I believe Douglas Adams has remarked that he regards me as his literary model and personal guru, or he said he has heard of me--I forget which.

Jim Bradley

Post #571 – 19970101

January 1, 1997

Mr. Pinkwater,

Let me begin my stating that the next two paragraphs contain lavish praise for you and your writing, followed by my question. If you are too modest or humble you might want to skip to the end.

As an kid, I remember reading several books from the modest little library at my elementary school. Two of them to this day remain fixated in my memory. The first was a picture book in which a magician’s sissors flew across the pages cutting everything in it’s path – an old lady’s beehive, a fat man’s suspenders, and so on. The second was a curious little book called Fat Men From Outer Space. I remember reading this book and secretly wishing I too had a set of radio-teeth to fool my teacher with. My mother grew curious with my sudden and frequent requests that she make potato pancakes for dinner. But the one instant that I recall most vividly was when I finished the book and turned it over to look at your picture. There, wearing a plaid sportscoat, glasses, and (if memory serves correctly) holding a banana was the fat man from outer space. “They’re here.”

As an adult, I was surprized and thrilled when I first heard you doing commentary on NPR. I was developing negatives in pitch blackness, when a great story emitted from the darkroom radio. It was of your adventures in an antique store, with the Egyptian sarcophagus that you felt the uncontrollable urge to —– taste?

Since this experience I have tried to catch you on NPR as often as I can. My question is about one of your later NPR shorts.

As I have evolved into a rather portly adult (more due to genetics and my mother’s country cooking than your influence), I remember hearing you on NPR talking about your “Rat-tat-tooey” diet plan. I was rather excited about the prospect and actually made some “Rat-tat-tooey” later that week. I have however lost the recipe for “Rat-tat-tooey” and was hoping that you could give it to me once again. I am about to begin a new diet and exercise plan and would like to make “Rat-tat-tooey” a part of it.

Thank you and keep writing, were all better for it.

P.S.—Forgive me, but what is the correct spelling of Rat-tat-tooey?

Daniel replies:

I am still eating ratatouille at least once, (usually a couple of times), a day, along with many other things. The weight loss has slowed to a crawl, (I suppose I need to back off the second breakfast bagel), but I don't care--never did care about the actual poundage--I am pretty healthy, which is and was the point.

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