Welcome to the home of all things Pinkwater!

Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: The Last Guru

How to become an insanely wealthy spiritual leader… kinda. THE LAST GURU is 99¢ #PinkwaterMonth





Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death

THE SNARKOUT BOYS & THE AVOCADO OF DEATH today’s 99-cent Kindle. What to say? Masterpiece. Canonical. Brilliant. Cheap.




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: The Afterlife Diet

THE AFTERLIFE DIET, a big fat weird novel for grownups, is today’s .99 #PinkwaterMonth special.410dXaABOwL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: Superpuppy!

Today’s .99¢ ebook bargain goes nonfiction: Jill + DP’s SUPERPUPPY. The Pinkwaters are DOG WHISPERERS:




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: The Hoboken Chicken Emergency

#PinkwaterMonth bonanza continues: HOBOKEN CHICKEN EMERGENCY with the original Daniel P illustrations for .99 cents today.

WOW. Henrietta’s never been so cheep. (I’ll see myself out…)





Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: Yobgorgle

Today’s .99 #PinkwaterMonth special: YOBGORGLE: Learn about the Mystery Monster of Lake Ontario before IT learns about YOU!




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: Tails of the Bronx

PW said: “Outrageously funny and heartbreaking.”
I say: .99¢! TAILS OF THE BRONX by Jill Pinkwater!




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: Alan Mendelsohn

ALAN MENDELSOHN, THE BOY FROM MARS is .99 cents today. Here. On Earth.




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: The Worms of Kukumlima

.99 cent WORMS OF KUKUMLIMA! That’s a lotta worms for under a dollar. #bargain #PinkwaterMonth




Today’s #PinkwaterMonth special: Mister Fred

Is your teacher an alien? VERY POSSIBLY. Mister Fred by Jill Pinkwater is .99 today.

