Daniel replies:
By punctuation you mean those little dots and dots with tails and squiggles and such am I correct I have always wondered what they were for and why the publisher puts them in
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
I was just introduced to “The Big Orange Splot” by my grandbaby, who is due this coming Sunday. I was helping my daughter organize her home, when we realized that she had been given 2 copies of your book. So I got a present also. I absolutely;y love your book and wish that I’d know about it years ago when our three children were little.
I due have one question. Why do you use correct punctuation throughout the book except when Mr. Plumbean says, “My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams.”? I was wondering if you didn’t use commas between the independent clauses because you wanted to emphasize that Mr. Plumbean and his house are one. But then on p. 30, you do use a comma. “Our street is us and we are it. Our street is where we like to be, and it looks like all our dreams.” Curiously and Most Sincerely, Susan
By punctuation you mean those little dots and dots with tails and squiggles and such am I correct I have always wondered what they were for and why the publisher puts them in