
January 8, 2010

Post #2574 – 20100108

Hey Dan,

Every night I listen to old time radio as I go to bed, but just last week out of no where i remember A book I read by you, Lizard Music, that seemed perfect for listening to at night. I found you reading it on this web site (which you did a great job on, especially the chicken man’s voice) and remembered how much i enjoyed it and have been searching for info about it all night. I said it should be a movie the first time I read it and I have been telling everyone that now as i have rediscovered it, and in my research I heard that my dream may be coming true. Is this so? I sure hope so. If nothing else i would like to see what the lizards would look like. Thank you for all the work you have done (I also liked other books by you, especially “Looking for Bobowicz: A Hoboken Chicken Story”) and the many smiles you have brought to my face.

Daniel replies:

I'd like to see the movie myself. I hope it happens.