April 23, 2008
Post #2397 – 20080423
I first got The Neddiad when it was my 9’th birthday, and my mom said she had heard you were good. It was the best book I had ever read, and it still claims that title. A book does not define the masterpeices you create. They are more like wonderful songs. Auctuly, it’s kind of like listening to The 1812 Overture, cause at first it’s soft and good, then it gets louder, a little exciting, and good, then, it gets really loud, really exciting, and good, and last of all, the Grande Finalae. I was hungry for more Pinkwater, and I got ahold of some.
Alright, I guess I didn’t have to go through that, because all I was trying to say is: your’e awesome, Mr.Pinkwater.
By the way, I’m 10 years old, I’m in 4’th grade, I read everywhere(even recess), and one day(while reading) one of my classmates said to me “Augie, your’e such a bookworm!”. But I was not mad, I was Proud. Because that is who I am. I also like pumpkin pie with cool whip.
Bye! Augie
Daniel replies:
OK, everybody take notice. THIS is the kind of reader I get! So, does that make me the most remarkable writer on the planet? Yes. It does.
Augie, you are a splendid kid. You make a person proud to be a genius. I am honored that you like my books.