Daniel replies:
Hello, Nell. Here are my replies to your very good questions:
1. I did not like school. For some reason I could never do math, and instead of helping me, or simply realizing there was something wrong
with my head, they hollered at me, and told me I was lazy and stupid, and would not let me take any science courses because I was an idiot.
Thus they sort of forced me in the direction of art which is a good field for idiots. However I loved college, and studied art there.
2. I liked typing. I liked to read. I liked, and like, putting sentences together. And I liked to write. But I didn't want to be an author. Everyone I knew thought I should be one. I resisted. But, I became one. Everybody was right.
3. I have written some stuff for adults, 3 or 4 books, and probably close to 1,000 articles and essays and reviews. I prefer writing for children because they are better readers.
4. Europe, Africa, Asia, at different times. Africa was my favorite continent.
5. I am not reading anything now. I find it distracting to read when I am writing, and I am writing.
6. I recommend my books for persons of every age. Some very young kids read my novels, and some adults read my picture books.
7. I am a very good dog trainer.
8. Books by Jules Verne, Alexandre Dumas, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens. Among others.
9. I started writing actual books, to be printed and read by people I never met, in 1969.