Julia Steiner

October 15, 2002

Post #1552 – 20021015

Dear Mr. Pinkwater: During our summer travels, we happened upon a bookstore where “Fat Camp Commandos” was prominently displayed in the children’s section. I bought it for my very finicky seven-year-old who absolutely LOVED it and sent me back to the bookstore when we arrived home for any more books you had written. He read the second version of FCC, moved on to Hoboken Chicken Emergency and just finished Borghel. He comes down from his room to read me passages, because “this book is so incredibly GOOD!” He has chosen to do his first book report for school on Borghel and I just wanted to thank you for inspiring him to read far into the night with his book light…to my absolute delight.

You are a very talented author and have truly captured the heart of this little boy.


Julia Steiner

Benjamin’s mom

Cooper City, Florida

Daniel replies:

I have the finest readers in the world. Benjamin is one of them. Very few adults have a clue of what I'm up to--not that I care. Quite often I hear from or about kids who are getting into books of mine in a way other writers should envy. You can imagine how this makes me feel.