Brenda Russell

January 7, 2000

Post #1011 – 20000107

Several years ago on NPR you read a story I am unable to get out of my mind. It was among a collection of dog stories. Will you PLEASE PLEASE help me find it. It was about a female malamute and her story of aging gracefully. As I recall, you told how she became more tolerant of the other dogs and was very content to sit and rest and watch. It was a beautiful statement about growing older – for both people and dogs. Thank you for any help you may give. Sincerely, Brenda Russell

Daniel replies:

Sounds familiar, in that I had such a Malamute, but I don't remember writing such a piece! It might possibly be in Hoboken Fish & Chicago Whistle ( Xlibris ), but then again....hmmm.

If you want to actually hear most of my dog essays, read by the author himself, you can order the Unofficial Cassette from Evan, our host and webmaster, right here on this very site. (Profits from sale of cassettes go to the Home for Aged Malamutes, or some such thing).