May 15, 2024
Memory lane
No question, I’m just listening to the Car Talk podcast, which airs the old episodes in order (I think we’re in the mid-90s at the moment), and you called in. I had forgotten that you used to do that! It was so wonderful to hear your voice after so many years, and I decided to look you up to see what you’ve been doing all these years, and found myself here. Looking forward to checking out The Pinkwater Podcast next!
I always loved how NPR personalities would call in or be guests on other NPR shows; there always seemed to be such a great comradery there. Thanks for the smile!
Daniel replies:
I started as an NPR contributor in what might have been the network's golden age. There were so many talented people, not just the on-air personalities, editors, producers, engineers, working, I think, for less money than they'd have gotten in some commercial application, but delighted to be somewhere they could do their best work. 25 years later it was still good, but not in the same way. Maybe it was just that people matured, and aged.