Daniel replies:
Is Blue Moose out of print? You sure? I thought there was a Random House paperback of some sort. I should look into this.
My Son Jimmy (age 3) loves your Blue Moose Books. I saw him read books on a new level when he read these — that is the finest tribute to you. However, the books and tapes are out of print.
Any idea of a good source?
Thanks so much for the NPR bits that help us find GOOD books for the kids, especially because you’re missing out on the big Disney endorsement and all.
You could compromise just a bit. How about a D. Pinkwater plush toy! Then there’s the movie, and video game where you blast the aliens, models, beach parties at Bimini, the Weekly World News…
Okay — I get it.
Guess the stretching kid’s minds while making them happy and secure thing works too. Our son Jimmy is certainly happy that you thought up the Blue Moose — I can tell by the thousand questions he asks each time we read about him.
Thanks for doing good things.
Jim Eberle
Hummelstown PA
Is Blue Moose out of print? You sure? I thought there was a Random House paperback of some sort. I should look into this.