Some curious 4th graders

October 13, 1999

Post #957 – 19991013

Dear Daniel,

Greetings from Mr. Cornell’s 4th graders at the Dhahran Hills School in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Recently, we read in our Silver/Burdett/Ginn reading series a selection from The Hoboken Chicken Emergency entitled “Arthur’s Thanksgiving Emergency” and “Lee Bennett Hopkins Interviews Daniel Manus Pinkwater.”

Both were a lot of fun to read. After reading Lee Bennett Hopkins’ interview, which was very informative, we still have a few questions we’d like to ask you.

-How old were you when you had your first book published?
-Do you remember the first story you wrote as a child? If so, what was it about?
-Do you and your wife still own the three Icelandic horses? What are their names?
-Do you ever get ideas for writing from your pets?

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We think it’s cool that you have your own web site.


Some curious 4th graders

Daniel replies:

29 or 30, somewhere about there It was about a parrot.

Only one left, Lokkur, a 34-year-old horse--very nice fellow. Only the ones interested in my kind of literature. Lokkur, for example, only likes epic poems.