Mike Stranges
August 20, 1999
Post #912 – 19990820
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
It sure is a privilege to be able to write to you. As a member of the Lizard Lovers Club (Columbus, Ohio chapter) I hold your books almost sacred and Winston Bongo and I go way back (he might as well be getting me free coffee and doughnuts from Rat).
My question is this: Do you have any one particular writer who has greatly influenced you? I have certainly noticed a “Beat” influence.
P.S. I am in the middle of Afterlife Diet, now. Great book! My father found it at my house and has constantly reminded me that he would like to borrow it. You have a new fan in the making.
Daniel replies:
As far as I know, the Columbus, Ohio chapter is the only chapter of Lizard Lovers. Our nation was spared a probable catastrophe when the madness did not spread. One particular author?
No, there isn't just one. And the beat aspect is unavoidable, given the way I spent my misspent youth.