Daniel replies:
Try THE AFTERLIFE DIET to read about fat adults, some female, some having fun, some not. I haven't heard anything lately from the Hollywood producer trying to get some studio to make the movie
I, too, am a Pinkwater fan of long standing. I love the Snarkout Boys and Lizard Music and Alan Medelssohn and Slaves of Spiegel and most all of your books! Big Orange Splot is a favorite picture book. I love the fact that you have strong smart characters that are FAT and special. Having been fat all my life, (and smart) I identify with the characters in your books, even though I am a female. I am a Children’s Librarian and recommend your books to kids a lot. I read your interview in FAT?SO! and though t it was great! I am tired of feeling bad about the fact that I am heavy (…you have such a pretty face, it would be so good if you could lose weight, etc.etc.etc.) I have a husband who loves me and I love him (even though he is not fat) and children and I have often thought that someone should write a love story where the heroine is FAT and someone falls in love with her because she is fun and witty and sexy and smart and has great eyes, etc. because in real life that can happen! ANyway, keep on writin’!
Try THE AFTERLIFE DIET to read about fat adults, some female, some having fun, some not. I haven't heard anything lately from the Hollywood producer trying to get some studio to make the movie