David Polacheck

January 1, 1997

Post #629 – 19970101

Dear Mr. Pinkwater:

With regard to our last exchange on the subject of NORB and my desire to view him in all his glory: from your response I take it you were not adverse to the idea in principle, but the issue is what publisher to approach with the project. As you ask me if I have any ideas, with some thought I must reply: yes, I do! As an avid fan of comics and comic strips I have become aware of the redoubtable Fantagraphics, an intrepid publishing/distributing firm specializing in reprints of comic strips of high merit and original work in the comic book/graphic novel genre. Their highly interesting catalog includes book reproductions of such strips as Pogo, Thimble Theatre, Krazy Kat, Little Nemo in Slumberland and much else. Naturally, they have a Webpage you can check out at (what else?) www.fantagraphics.com. Perhaps they can help to achieve the result I know all Pinkwaterites (I proudly count myself among them) crave: the resurrection and immortality of NORB. What you tink, hah?

In utmost respect and admiration,

David Polacheck

Daniel replies:

There was a collection of the daily Norbs brought out a few years ago by a completely unsatisfactory outfit called MU Press. The actual book, crummy binding aside, was not badly done. It is more or less competely unfindable now. I have some copies, of course, as does Tony Auth--but, speaking for myself, they're too valuable to give away, and I can't bring myself to scalp them to fans. Thanks for the suggestion about Fantagraphics. Should they ever get in touch with us, we'll be happy to talk to them, of course--but I make it a point not to initiate business deals.