Zan Joanne & Tom

January 1, 1997

Post #619 – 19970101

In May of 1947 question number 13. on the Freshman English exam at Brooklyn Preparatory School was:

TRUE OR FALSE Nov schmoz ka pop

All of us who were faithful fans of SMOKEY STOVER in the Sunday Journal-American knew the correct answer.

Thanks and warm affection from us to you for the happiness you have brought into our lives. Our eight-year-old daughter has made your books required daily reading for the past couple of years since fat men from space came into her thentofore innocent life.

Daniel replies:

It was Smokey Stover? Not Popeye? I'm sure you're right--but whence comes my mental image of a short, white-bearded little character holding a sign, which I recall in a more Popeyeish style, not a Stoverish one? Whoever drew him, he was an ancestor or Mr. Natural, and Norb, (not to mention some of the muzhiks in Alexander Nevsky).