Jim Mica

January 1, 1997

Post #588 – 19970101

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

As a 48-year-old young-adult (with corn cob pipes and only slightly more hair than you sport) I find myself in the strange position of being a new fan of yours!

I really liked the story of the kid from Mars, course I’m pretty wierd anyways because I used to hang out with Jeffrey Broido when I was in college –a while back.

Do keep up the good work and your crusade for “real bagels”, should you ever wander into Ithaca, New York we’ll have to hit one of the bagel places.

Jim Mica

P.S. I didn’t play piccolo in my HS band, I played a tenor drum, base drum and finally worked my way up to a snare.

Daniel replies:

Yes, hanging out with Jeff Broido qualifies you as weird. Do buy a copy of the 5 Novels book. (My royalty is so negligible, I can hawk these without shame). Perfect for a new reader.