Daniel replies:
I think the only book of mine publihed in Spanish is a limited edition of The Big Orange Splot, published in a whole bunch of languages in the Netherlands. I think Aileron has responded to you vis-a-vis hard-to-get copies of my work. I am willing to sell a few rare copies from my personal stash, for prices slightly more attractive than those asked by some dealers, (over $100!), but the economical move is to order _Daniel Pinkwater, 5 Novels_ at $10.95, and discounted, I believe, by the likes of Amazon--see the section on this site. It's got _Alan Mendelsohn_, _Slaves of Spiegel_, _The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death_, _The Last Guru_, and _Young Adult Novel_. If you're going to live near a volcano, I suggest _The Worms of Kukumlima_, but it's not in this collection. Maybe the next one, if the publisher makes money on the first.