Barbara Yanoshek

January 1, 1997

Post #569 – 19970101

Dear Mr.Pinkwater,

My son has just turned in a book report on another book by you (one of many). This one was Lizard Music. He is in the third grade and I am worried. He just can’t get enough. Will his teacher think he is weird? Will she question his home life? Will he become someone I am proud of?

I ran into this site while canoeing the net. My son wanted me to find a picture of you to “beef up” an already awesome report.

Concerned in Anchorage.

Daniel replies:

Yes, his teacher will think he is weird. Yes, she will question his home life. Also, other things will happen. Be strong. Later, your son will be admitted to a fine university, and distinquish himself there, after which he will go to Tibet, and live in a cave...with a chicken.