Alan Meyers

January 1, 1997

Post #562 – 19970101

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I have been a big fan of yours ever since the late 1970’s, when I first came across LIZARD MUSIC. That remains my favorite of all your books, though I also like ALAN MENDELSSOHN, the Snarkout Boys books, YOBGORGLE, BORGEL, and everything of yours I’ve read. Your books (especially LIZARD MUSIC and ALAN MENDELSSOHN) have sustained me in some dark times. Your sense of humor is right up there with P.G. Wodehouse, Douglas Adams, and the geniuses of ha-ha.

This is in NO way a criticism, just a question I’ve wondered about. The name you used on LIZARD MUSIC was “D. Manus Pinkwater.” Later you started using “Daniel Manus Pinkwater,” then “Daniel M. Pinkwater,” and finally “Daniel Pinkwater.” I much prefer “D. Manus Pinkwater;” the name has weight, or panache, or something. How come you switched? It is, of course, entirely your business what you call yourself, and your work is equally delightful no matter what your nom de plume.

I recommend your books whenever I can, especially to young people but also to ANYONE who wants to laugh and to encounter a genuinely refreshing outlook on existence. Live and be well, Mr. Pinkwater. I’ll be listening for your voice on NPR.

Daniel replies:

Alan Meyers -- Well, it's obvious, isn't it? The progression from D.Manus Pinkwater, to Daniel Manus Pinkwater, to Daniel M. Pinkwater, to Daniel Pinkwater...I was phasing out Manus and phasing in Daniel. Watch for a new initial one of these days! Thanks for taking time to wonder--and for your kind words.

(J.D.B-- How about Sir Daniel?)