Emily Rachman

January 1, 1997

Post #561 – 19970101

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

Thank you so much for your wonderful books. I have always loved the Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death and remember fighting tooth and nail with my brother over our copy in years past.

Best wishes,

Emily Rachman

Daniel replies:

Rejoice! Now, you or your brother, (whichever one has the least teeth and nails), can possess your/his very own copy of The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death, which is included in the cheap paperback, ""5 Novels,"" to be published next month. If enough people buy copies, I think I can persuade the conservative publisher to bring out a second volume of reprinted works. (My original idea was to have someone publish two REALLY fat paperbacks, with about 20 out-of-print books of mine--of all kinds). I went so far as to offer to accept the same ridiculous advance, (really, really ridiculous, trust me), which I wound up getting for the 5 Novels collection. Nobody would go for this. They all seemed to think I was trying to play some sort of trick on them. Well, Farrar Straus and Giroux showed considerable courage, for a publisher, and they should be encouraged. So, I want people who regard themselves as fans of mine to buy the book. This way FSG will be happy with their 90% of profits, (that's what publishers get), and maybe squeeze out another collection, maybe next year. Besides, it's a good deal.