Chad Kirby
January 1, 1997
Post #545 – 19970101
Mr. Pinkwater,
Though I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember, the first books that REALLY got my attention were “Lizard Music” and “The Last Guru.” Memories of them stick with me to this day. You were my first favorite author back in the fouth grade or so, and I want to thank you very much for the hours of enjoyment I got from your books.
I was delighted to discover your commentaries on ATC a couple years ago and always enjoy them. I continue to enjoy your work very much 20 years after first discovering you–something I cannot say for any other author. We should all write to ATC and request more and longer Daniel Pinkwater commentaries (if you’re up to doing them)!
Thanks again, best regards and keep creating,
Chad Kirby
Daniel replies:
Clearly your early experiences, (including reading my books), gave you a disciplined and creative mind. All write to ATC? You mean What an interesting idea. And it's your belief that many communications from listeners would cause them to appreciate me and air my stuff? Well, I've said all along that I attract exceptional readers. This is just another example.