Ted Cranford
January 1, 1997
Post #532 – 19970101
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
I have enjoyed your comments for years on NPR and have looked periodically in bookstores for your books to no avail. You can imagine how shocked I was to learn this morning, during your interview with Dan Irwin, that you have written some 80 titles. You are exactly correct about the kinds of narrow subject/author bookstores that abound these days.
I want to select some of your books to read to my son, he just turned 6. I can guess that you wouldn’t want to put your books (or my children) in a pigeon hole but I wonder if you might suggest a few titles to start with for younger children? I enjoy reading to my son and daughter (she is 3) and I make a point of doing it every day. I just read your FAT!So? interview and enjoyed it. I guess I’ll have to get a copy of your “diet” book too. I’ve been fat all of my life too.
Daniel replies:
More like 70 titles, I think--but it's bad luck to count. Given the retail-rarity of my stuff, I'd say grab what titles you can find. Very few of my books are out-and-out stinkers, I'm proud to say. Amazon.com claims to have everything, and you can see what the children's room in the public library has. (That's where the books are, if they're anywhere). Reading to and with kids is God's work. Writing the stuff less so.