Daniel replies:
So glad you liked them! We planned, but the publisher had other plans. (They said they'd like to see something else, """"just as good,"""" but I didn't like that plan.)
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
During the years I taught 1st grade and kindergarten many of your books were well-loved residents on our classroom bookshelves, and story time favorites. Now I am retired. I read to a couple of kindergarten classes every week. I don't know how I missed Bear and Bunny before, but last week I checked it out of the library and read it to my classes. Both the children and I were enchanted. I promised them that I would see if there are any other Bear and Bunny books. So I found Bear In Love and read it to them today. The children quickly realized that Bear In Love precedes Bear and Bunny, but they enjoyed being "in the know" throughout the story. Mr. Pinkwater, we loved these stories very much and would like to know if you plan anymore Bear and Bunny collaborations with Will Hillenbrand. We sincerely hope so. Yours truly, Terrie Plumer
So glad you liked them! We planned, but the publisher had other plans. (They said they'd like to see something else, """"just as good,"""" but I didn't like that plan.)