
July 26, 2015

Post #4013 – 20150726

Phillip K. Dick is often praised for his prescience, a visionary quality which among others, sets him on an Olympus of speculative fiction writers. (I myself concur with this assessment, although I consider his greatest quality to be that his work was always first and foremost about the human condition.)

Well folks, Daniel M. Pinkwater is another such Olympian%u2014not only for his lighthearted take on the human condition in work that, like Twain, can be enjoyed by all ages%u2014but also, like Dick, for his prescience.

Who else but Pinkwater was predicting almost 40 years ago that the Avocado milkshake would one day be enjoyed by millions of Westerners? It's true that back then we didn't know they would be called "smoothies" and "bubble tea", yet it is undeniable that these wonderful and healthy confections have become firmly established in the gustatory rotation of the discerning consumer, both gourmet and gourmand, and continue to grow ever more popular.

Kudos to you, Mr. Pinkwater!

Do you know where I can get some Dr. Nut soda? (It has long been my dream to try some, and I heard you might have a line on a secret stash 😉

Daniel replies:

I've been under the impression that Dr. Nut was one of those urban myths--like gluten-free pizza. But, it's likely some other visitors to this site will have specific information.