
April 28, 2014

Post #3717 – 20140428

Can we look forward to a reprinting of The Wuggie Norple Story? Our first, beloved copy wandered off in the mid-90s, possibly as a loan to a young friend. Years later, our adult daughter as a gift to her dad, located a used copy and paid quite a bit for it. Then, last year in the Colorado floods, the foundations of our house collapsed into the St Vrain River and ALL our books–including The Wuggie Norple Story–disappeared into the waters! We have two precious grandchildren who may never know the silliness of The Wuggie Norple Story and that makes us all sad.

Daniel replies:

You may look forward.  I can't say how far forward, because these things are often in the hands of others, and can take time.  Meanwhile, there are many waterproof editions of my books available in Kindle format on