Dempsey Rice

June 15, 2013

Post #3449 – 20130615

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

My 8 year old son is a big fan! He has read The Neddiad, The Yggyssey and Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl. He would very much like to read the book you refer to at the end of Cat-Whiskered Girl… Escape to Dwerg Mountain. We searched the Brooklyn Public Library's web site, your site and and realize that it hasn't been published. Is it coming?

Thank you!


Dempsey Rice (mom!) and Calvert Ricehall (son!)

Daniel replies:

Nope.  It failed to exist.  Go directly to Bushman Lives.  Some of the novels I wrote in the 70s, 80s and 90s are pretty good.  Has he seen any of those?