
August 31, 2012

Post #3103 – 20120831

I am 7. I love your books, especially "Looking For Bobowicz." I think your books are fantastic. Arthur Bobowicz sticks in my head, because he is kind of like the main character. I think you are the best author ever. Your books make me laugh. The first book I ever read by you was "The Big Orange Splot." I was like 4 when I read that. I also like "Borgel," and "The Hoboken Chicken Emergency." Why do you keep having chicken characters? I also love chickens. I like making them follow me. I only do that like once every four months, because I only see them in St. Louis when I go to the park there. It is fun. How many books have you written? How many years have you been a writer? Please write me back. From Amishai

Daniel replies:

I have been a writer for around 40 years, and I have written around 100 books.  That is not so many, considering how long a  time--also many of them are short. I try not to write constantly, because then if might become boring.  It is true, I am the best author ever--and that is another reason not to write 12 books a year, (which I could easily do) --it would discourage other writers.  Thank you for thinking my books are fantastic.  May chickens follow you forever.