Tim Miller

July 25, 2012

Post #3058 – 20120725

This could be a fan letter, but I don’t really know much about you so how could I be a fan? I’ve heard (and enjoyed) you on NPR, especially the encounters on “Car Talk” where the guys measure car comfort in units of Pinkwaters.

I thought of you while driving this morning and once safely seated at the office, I opened Google. More than just a commentator, I see now that you’re an author. Though I’m 50 I see now that I’ll have to look into some of your children’s material.

All the energy around the Pineapple / eggplant controversy makes me smile. Reading the original here on your blog presents a humorous style I will appreciate more. Once I dig in.

Keep up the good work, Mr. P. I look forward to becoming a fan. Some day.

Daniel replies:

Do they know what you do while comfortably seated at the office?  Thanks for sharing.