Mrs. Gray
May 25, 2012
Post #2970 – 20120525
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
We are reading the book “Lizard Music,” and we think it is fantastic so far! We havea couple of questions for you.
Noah: Do you like lizards?
Zac: Which of your books so far do you think is the funniest?
Trent: Do you like the zoo?
Mrs. Gray: Why did you choose those particular artists as aliases for the Chicken Man?
Thank you very much,
Noah, Zac, Trent, and Mrs. Gray
Daniel replies:
Noah: Like lizards how? As pets? As snacks? As friends to accompany to the movies?
Zac: You think my books are meant to be funny? That's interesting. I never thought of them as funny. Hm.
Trent: I like the zoo. Where I live is almost a zoo.
Mrs. Gray: Because they are neat artists. Those guys really knew how to paint.