Robin Yim

September 7, 2007

Post #2286 – 20070907

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

I have just finished reading, The Agony and the Eggplant, by Walter Hogan. I was enthralled by his analysis of, Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy for Mars. I honestly hadn’t seen in the book what his careful analysis uncovered, yet, now that I have seen it, I cannot unsee it. I am thinking of having my 11 year-old son read Hogan’s chapter on that book. He enjoyed the story, and I wonder if he might benefit from reading literary analysis of it, or, perhaps, I would spoil the story for him. I cannot decide. What do you think?

Also, what do you think of people who review books for a living?



Daniel replies:

I forget what professor Hogan wrote about Alan Mendelsohn, but I am sure he would agree that five other professors would probably see the book in five completely different ways.