
March 20, 2007

Post #2189 – 20070320

Hi Daniel,

Back in the early days of computers, did you illustrate your books using a Macintosh computer? If so, will you tell us that first title? (I’m a Mac fan!) Do you and Jill still illustrate using Macs?



Daniel replies:

I did a few, Jolly Roger, a Dog of Hoboken, The Muffin Fiend, The Frankenbagel Monster. (I think Jolly Roger may have been the first book, anyway children's book, illustrated with a computer. I had a very early MacIntosh, at the time there was hardly any software for the machine, and I recall there was a magazine article about my illustrations, and also mention in a book). I stopped using the computer when the publisher I was then dealing with insisted I stop, 'cause they felt it might be cheating to use a machine to make drawings. I explained that I also used a mechanical pencil, but this went over their heads.