Sid Goodman
August 23, 2006
Post #2050 – 20060823
I am 67 years old, retired, and have begun writing. After returning from a recent visit to NE to be with 2 of my grandsons, I got an idea for a kids “book.” I read it to my writer’s group and they bloody well applauded and strongly suggested I run with it. I was advised to touch base with you for guidance on obtaining an illustrator and advice on what to submit and to whom to get this small 3 page ditty published. PS your shtick on Chicago hot dogs remains an all time classic for me. As my Southern Spouse would say, “persheate it!”
Sid Goodman
Daniel replies:
Congratulations on having written something. So who advised you to come to me for ""guidance on obtaining an illustrator and advice on what to submit and to whom to get this small 3 page ditty published?"" What you need is an agent, or some other kind of expert who knows things about publishing and the market. I'm just a writer.