Daniel replies:
Hello, Nell --
1. I liked Africa because....because...well, first of all, it was a little like going back to the time when humans were a fairly new animal on earth. I traveled with the migrating herds, saw wild lions and leopards close up--so many beautiful animals. Got to know what it was like in a complete wilderness, how things felt, and smelled. And I was chased by rhinos! Saw elephants! And it just felt good to be there. And natural and comfortable! I loved sleeping in a tent and half-hearing the night sounds all around me.
2. Lulu has been with us for almost 10 years. We have always had dogs--they're among our favorite friends. Lulu came from Baffin Island in arctic Canada.
3. 1969.
4. 1964. They were glad to be rid of me.