Bob Kulwin

January 16, 2006

Post #1912 – 20060116

Thanks for writing the book Uncle Boris in the Yukon. We just put down two wonderful dogs much too close together. We’ve entertained the idea of No Dog. Your book made me realize just how much fun and joy they bring to life right up the last minute. But more importantly how much of my life has be entertwined with the canine kind and what a joy that’s been. I read the book because you wrote it, the first section I woke by wife to read sections and laugh, It that second section that caught me off guard. I enjoy your work on NPR. We are getting a field golden retriever. They are a little wild and easy to train and demand daily hikes.

Thanks again & best of luck,

Bob Kulwin

Daniel replies:

I'm glad you're getting another dog. They're a good moral influence on humans.