Lisa Johnson
January 14, 2006
Post #1911 – 20060114
Hooray for you!
I got a copy of Blue Moose about 12 years ago from daedalus books and laughed for about 3 weeks (48 cups of coffee… you are a tame gamewarden..). I read it to nieces and nephews and they laughed. now i read it to my own child and she laughs (albeit, truly, no one laughs as hard as me, but i just can’t help myself) I’ve bought copies for all the kids schools over the years (though i could only find lame, colorless soft copies with tapes) and never realized Daniel Pinkwater was Manus Pinkwater (which is the only name on my copy) until today.
We’ll be preordering the hardcover on Amazon. And writing an exhuberant review.
Thanks for all the laughs. And now that i know who you are, i’ll be picking up your other books, too.
Today, after all these years of enjoying and sharing your books, i came online with the mission (which, oddly enough, succeeded overwhelmingly) of finding you and thanking you, and hopefully finding a long lost hardcover. I did this because we published our first book this october ( has it in full – its short. its for little little kids who can’t eat candy, but i don’t expect you to read it), and getting feedback is a kick and means more than i thought it would. At least to me. Maybe to you, too. And after all the enjoyment I’ve had by your hand, i thought you should have some by mine.
so cheers to you and happy new year!
and thanks again!
Daniel replies:
Hooray for you too! Blue Moose is going to be an opera next year! And the complete Blue Moose stories, (Blue Moose, Return of the Moose, and The Moosepire) are coming out in paperback from Random House quite soon. Watch this space for further bulletins.