Daniel replies:
Janasha: It's indoor work.
Virnette: I was in fourth grade myself, so I know how it is.
Rashard: She's a popular big chicken.
Avery: Thank you. I love hearing that.
Janasha: why did you want to become an illistrater.
Virnette: Dear Daniel Pinkwater,
i am in fourth grade.
Rashard: It’s fun to read your books. I read The Hoboken Chicken Emergency. Henriette is very big to us in America.
Avery: hi i’m avery i love your book the hoboken chicken emergency.
Janasha: It's indoor work.
Virnette: I was in fourth grade myself, so I know how it is.
Rashard: She's a popular big chicken.
Avery: Thank you. I love hearing that.