Ben Prisk

June 4, 2005

Post #1831 – 20050604

Mr. Pinkwater,

I’ve been a fan of your NPR commentaries for many years now. I was able to order your recollections of your malamutes some years back. However, another story of yours I often relate is your recollection of calling a pet psychic who related her contact with a horse who had passed away. Is this story available for purchase as well. I recently had an interesting dream about horses ( filed under: ‘How’s this…’ at Thanks Mr. Pinkwater.

Daniel replies:

It's possible the story about the animal psychic is in the collection Hoboken Fish and Chicago Whistle--I'm not sure. When the piece aired a great many people contacted me--mostly wanting to be put in touch with the psychic, and mostly wanting to ask why their cat died.