The Miller Family
January 4, 2005
Post #1805 – 20050104
Just a bit of fan mail; I’m guessing that no one can get enough of it.
There is much love in our house for your books. The world is an imperfect place as long as Wempires remains out of print. There is magic in hearing my four year old reply “dat’s us” if I say “wempires.”
My personal faves are Author’s Day, The Big Orange Splot, and Wempires. And we loved listening to the Looking for Bobowicz CDs we got as holiday gifts last month.
Thanks again.
The Miller Family.
Daniel replies:
Thanks! And, some titles are starting to come back! There will be a Blue Moose Trilogy next year from Random House, The Education of Robert Nifkin is just about out from Houghton Mifflin, and there are some more contemplated. Wempires may be back--especially if I get a few more letters and emails like yours.