Daniel replies:
There's a smile on my face at this moment. Thanks for your very kind words.
Dear Mr. DP,
I simply want to say thank you for all of your wonderful work. I am a voracious reader/collector of children and young adult literature even though I am all grown up and technically should be reading adult fiction. Phooey! “Kids books” seem to me to have so much more to offer. I have always dreamed of being a writer and if I ever take that road, writing for children or even the the young at heart seems to be the the most rewarding and challenging at the same time. Well, as I said, I read a lot and when I stumbled upon your work, I became an instant fan. I began with Fat Men From Space but my absolute favorites have been the Snarkout Boys books, though Alan Mendolson … and Lizard Music were fantastic as well.
Life, at this time, for me has not afforded an abundance of smiles and your books have not only brought me some very much missed smiles but some hearty laughs too. I must have laughed a good 10 minutes alone just on your description of Nosferatu, the pet bird in The Snarkout Boys and The Avocado of Death-I don’t know why it just struck me as funny. So, I just wanted to express my deep appreciation for the good laughs that your fantastic imagination and creativity have given to me. And I will continue reading about your fabulous characters and find more laughter. Thanks again!
There's a smile on my face at this moment. Thanks for your very kind words.