Martha Jackson
January 11, 2003
Post #1596 – 20030111
Dear Jill,
Why is your wonderful book Cloud Horse out of print!??? I am a bookseller and librarian and often wish I had your book to offer to all the young horse lovers who are looking for good novels. With Daniel’s high profile on NPR and so forth, I would hope you guys have some good connections and clout to get your book reissued. It would be so great to have it available again!
Thanks to you both for your terrific stuff!
Martha Jackson
Daniel replies:
Jill says: It might happen. There's an editor who has expressed interest, but wants to coordinate with the publication of a new book, which I've yet to finish. If it looks like no conventional publisher wants Cloud Horse, I can always publish it through Xlibris, as we have already done with a few of our books. Meanwhile, used copies turn up quite often. Thanks for liking it.