October 1, 2002
Post #1545 – 20021001
I am in a quandary. I have loved your books forever and am now exposing my 7 year old daughter to their charms. My 4 year old son however has become obsessed with Hotel Larry. I read it to him morning, noon and night-he recites it, he concocts elaborate tales of Larry and Roy and whether the polar bear at the science center near us is related etc. And he keeps asking me if Larry and Roy are together in the hotel or separated again. He wakes up to ask me. I like my sleep. Can I just say yes and not be committing some grave parental offense (like lying through my teeth).
In any event, we love all your books and Jill’s illustrations for Hotel Larry are perfect!
amysue (for noah)
Daniel replies:
I can't answer those particular questions at this time, but if you read IRVING AND MUKTUK, TWO BAD BEARS, and the forthcoming IRVING AND MUKTUK, BAD BEARS IN THE BIG CITY, and yet another, yet untitled, you may find some pieces of the polar bear puzzle. (I am assuming you have seen YOUNG LARRY, BONGO LARRY, and ICE CREAM LARRY, all part of the Larry Legend.)