Enid Cloyed

January 14, 2002

Post #1427 – 20020114


Let me begin by saying that I recently finished reading The Worms of Kukumlima, for about the fiftieth time. My very strange cat Mukluk, has an appetite similar to the one of Gordon Whillikers, and will eat anything. This led me to the idea, that perhaps you could help. I have been plagued by the thought that I am the only fourteen year old in my school has really read your later works. I find this a pity, still perhaps, you can offer me some advice. I want to become a writer. Sure, you hear it all the time. Yet, I don’t want some serious and strict answer. I want a genuine Daniel answer. Tell me how I can reach people. It is terribly difficult to convey sarcasm over a computer screen, but I am a fourteen year old girl who has a deep respect for you work. I love reading about food, and you write about it so well. Beanbender’s beer garden will remain in my heart forever. My mother would like me to say “Hi!” as it was she who started me on Pinkwater with Yobgorgle. However, The Avacado of Death is by far, my favorite!

All The Best You Wonderful Man!

Daniel replies:

OK, it has been some time since I gave my, ""I want to be a writer. Please give me some advice,"" advice. Read a lot. Write a lot. Don't take yourself too seriously. Don't entirely believe what adults and teachers tell you, (good or bad), about your work. And study something other than writing in school...you're going to write anyway, so learn about something like history, or rug-weaving, or....anything that isn't writing. Oh, and it would be a good idea to ignore these remarks too. Hi to your mom.