Karen Stone

March 15, 2001

Post #1293 – 20010315

Dear Daniel Pinkwater,

Within the last couple of months, you reviewed a book of poetry called, I think, “Alligator Tales” (or Tails?). I was going to get it for my grandsons though I might keep it for myself. Who is the author, please? Where is it available? By the way, I really enjoy listening to you on NPR.

Daniel replies:

It's been some time since I exhorted anybody to try to get their local public radio station to carry Chinwag Theater, my very own radio progam. If you like what you hear me do with Scott Simon on NPR, you'll like Chinwag Theater, because it's similar, with no earthquake, war and famine stories. Starts all over with new people, (and old me), on April 1st. Free to stations. Send 10 letters in different handwriting with made-up signatures to the Program Director at your station.

Oh, and it's ""Alligator Tales,"" by Miles Smeeton. --Ed.