John Kaputa

November 25, 2000

Post #1213 – 20001125

Hey Daniel,

I enjoyed yours and Scott’s reading of “The Little Brown Dog…” this morning on Weekend Edition.

Again I was reminded that I wanted to tell you that I am one of the (two?) people who still miss “Norb”. Sometime in the last two decades of this last century of the current millennia (I get around the ‘no year zero’ controversy by calling this year MM which is shorter than Y2K and because it has one less “I” than last year’s MCMXCIX and next year’s MMI, and as such, is still the twentieth century–how’s that for convoluted logic?) Anyway, at that time, the newspaper to which I used to subscribe, and is now the subject of a major non-work action (strike), dropped your comic strip. Thinking back, it may have been you who dropped them; how-some-ever-it-may-be, I was really getting into the story when it was suddenly gone.

As a product of the prewar period (I was conceived prior to August 1939), I grew up in the heyday of comic books, pulp fiction, radio, and Saturday matinee movie serials (we didn’t get TV until I was in high school) and I looked forward to each and every upcoming episode of “Norb”.

Is there any place that I can revisit those long lost (hidden) episodes of “Norb”?

We thank you for reading our mumble and apologize for the inconvenience.

John Andrew Kaputa

Bremerton WA

ES: The breadth of is sixty year old’s sits-spot on his wheelchair is approximately a three-fourths pinkwater.

Daniel replies:

There is a collected Norb, but it's really rare. If you find some, snap them all up, and tell us.