Talking Head Girl

August 26, 2000

Post #1169 – 20000826

Dear Sir:

Are you familiar with splinter Reform Party candidate John Hagelin, a former scientist who claims to be a student of Transcendental Meditation and who once brought a bunch of people to DC to try and meditate down the crime rate? I’m sure you distance yourself from politics, but he’s worthy to be out of one of your books. Of course I wouldn’t vote for him though. (He lacks the magnetic charm of Clarence Yojirushi…)

Daniel replies:

No, I was not familiar with him, but he frightens me now that you've shared a few facts. If groups of people meditating on matters external to them accomplished anything, it would be possible to get decent baked goods where I live. You won't go wrong by voting for Clarence Yojimbo--I always do it.