Rachel Springer
May 19, 2000
Post #1125 – 20000519
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
I had written to you a month ago or something, and told you how much I loved Three Big Hogs. I still do, but the only copy I know of is thousands of miles away with my sister in Holland. While I wait for either Amazon.com or my out-of-print-book-finder friend to find me an actual copy (or my sister to make me a color copy as you suggested), I have another way to get my fill of your books. I was recently employed by Barnes & Noble as a bookseller, and I’ve more or less demanded that we stock any and every book you have written that’s still in print, at least in the store where I work (You ought to come to my store, Debbie Williams!). In return for my demands, I sat down and alphabetized all the paperback picturebooks. . .I was so pleased when I ran across The Big Orange Splot! Every month I have the opportunity to put a book I like on the “Staff Recommends” shelf at the front of the store. Guess whose book I’m choosing first? I haven’t decided which one yet, but I have a month to decide. Hey, I don’t suppose you ever do book signings/readings. . . in Georgia? If you do, I’m sure everyone would appreciate if you came! I sure would.
One of many loyal fans,
Rachel Springer
Daniel replies:
Interesting. Most B&Ns I have visited not only didn't have much by me, but had surprisingly little--considering the size of them--that even interested me. Plenty of junk-books though. I find those places depressing. I might like yours.