Frank from Durham, NC
August 15, 2018
How to get Coaching
Hello Mr. Pinkwater.
I have been reading a book by a friend of yours, Bailey White, Mama Makes Her Mind Up. I am trying to get some ideas on exactly what my story is, and how to get some “more than armature” coaching. I am writing about a childhood adventure, and, just like Ms. White, I want my southern existence to shine. I believe my account may enter the realm of a narrative essay more than a short story. It is some over three thousand words, and I take the liberty to digress from the theme to explain things. Ms. White’s short stories are “crisp” reads to me, and it seems as though just as I am getting into the story, the story is over. Can you please tell me what my story may be just from what I have told you? And, do you have any suggestions about how I can get some good help looking at the story and critiquing? I am born and raised southern, Piedmonth, NC. I know what I want my story to say, and I know how I want it to sound. I’m concerned about structure, moving away from and back to the theme, how to weed out unnecessary dead wood. Many thanks in advance.
Daniel replies:
You are asking the wrong person. I have always tried to approach writing as an amateur, even though I've made my living doing it. What I do, when possible, is write a story for myself, one I want to read. I don't think about theory. I don't know, but I assume Ms. White does something similar. You could ask her.